Ragtime follows three fictional families in pursuit of the American Dream at the turn of the 20th century: Black pianist Coalhouse Walker Jr. (Joshua Henry) and his sweetheart Sarah, a wealthy white family led by Mother (Caissie Levy), and Latvian immigrant Tateh (Brandon Uranowitz) along with his Little Girl. This gala production is led by Tony-nominated Encores! Artistic Director Lear deBessonet (Once Upon a Mattress, Into the Woods).
1996 | Canada |
World Premiere Canada |
1998 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
2003 | West End |
London Revival West End |
2005 | Milburn, NJ (Regional) |
Paper Mill Production Milburn, NJ (Regional) |
2007 | Chicago |
Chicago Revival Chicago |
2009 | Broadway |
Broadway Revival Broadway |
2012 | West End |
Open Air Production West End |
2015 | US Tour |
Non-Equity National Tour US Tour |
2016 | Off-Broadway |
Ellis Island Developmental Concert Production Off-Broadway |
2016 | West End |
Charing Cross Theatre Company Revival Production West End |
2017 | Regional (US) |
Barrington Stage Company Revival Regional (US) |
2024 | Off-Broadway |
Encores! Concert Revival Production Off-Broadway |