A MAN OF NO IMPORTANCE Equity Principal Actors - SpeakEasy Stage Company Auditions

Posted June 3, 2024
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A MAN OF NO IMPORTANCE - SpeakEasy Stage Company

SpeakEasy Stage Company | Boston, MA


Monday, June 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 12:30PM - 1:30PM


To request an appointment, please email audition@speakeasystage.com with your full name, Equity status, contact information, and the shows for which you would like to be considered. Please also include your complete availability during the entire audition window.


$638 weekly minimum (cat. 6)


Equity actors for roles in A MAN OF NO IMPORTANCE (see breakdown).

For pre-cast roles, auditioning performers will be considered as possible (emergency) replacements, should any become necessary.

Actors of color are encouraged to audition, and all roles are open to inclusive casting. SpeakEasy Stage Company shall conduct all auditions/interviews in a manner that promotes fair consideration to persons of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, sexual orientations, ages, and ability statuses.

SpeakEasy Stage Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Actors who play a musical instrument are encouraged to audition.


Auditions should be no longer than 5 minutes. SpeakEasy suggests two 16-bar selections, one up-tempo and one ballad. An accompanist, readers, and material from the scripts will be available at the auditions. If you play a musical instrument and would like to demonstrate your musical abilities, you are encouraged to bring it and play a short demonstration at the audition. To be considered for both musicals and non- musicals, SpeakEasy recommends one contemporary monologue and one 16-bar cut of a contemporary song.


Artists Studio Building - Boston Center for the Arts
551 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116

Studio 204 is located on the second floor of the Artists’ Studios Building and does not have an elevator. All efforts were made to book an accessible location for this audition. If the inaccessibility of this location prevents you from attending, we will happily accept a video submission. To submit a video submission, please email your materials to: audition@speakeasystage.com


Book by Terrence McNally,
Music by Stephen Flahery, Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, Directed by Paul Daigneault
Music Direction by Paul Katz


SpeakEasy Producing Artistic Director Paul Daigneault,
SpeakEasy Community & Artistic Programs Manager Alex Lonati
SpeakEasy Artistic Fellow Huan Bui


Rehearsals begin 1/27/2025
Performances run 2/21/25 - 3/22/2025



This audition is located on the second floor of the Artists’ Studios Building and does not have an elevator. All efforts were made to book an accessible location for this audition. If the inaccessibility of this location prevents you from attending, we will happily accept a video submission. To submit a video submission, please email your materials to: audition@speakeasystage.com

An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.



-Many characters will also serve as members of the ensemble.
-We are looking for some characters to double as members of the band, with onstage instruments woven into the storytelling. As such, actors who play a musical instrument are encouraged to audition.


ALFIE BYRNE (Baritone, 30 - 45) CAST A middle-aged Dublin bus conductor and director of an amateur theatrical troupe, the St. Imelda’s Players. Gay, but closeted.

ROBBIE (Tenor, 21 - 32) The handsome, young bus driver Alfie begins to fall in love with.

ADELE RICE (Soprano, 17 - 25) A pretty young woman who has fled her hometown after becoming pregnant out of wedlock. She meets Alfie on his bus, and he woos her into taking the leading role in Salome.

BALDY (Baritone, 50 - 70) CAST Alfie’s retired friend and stage manager who takes every opportunity to poke at Alfie about St. Imelda’s rag-tag productions.

BRETON BERET / PETER (18 – 25) A handsome, dangerous young man who tries to seduce Alfie. When he finally succeeds, he and a group of men jump Alfie, leaving him badly injured.

CARNEY / OSCAR WILDE (Baritone, 40 - 60) The butcher, Lily’s boyfriend, and one of St. Imelda’s prominent actors until he reports Alfie to the church sodality for putting on an obscene play. AND the famous Irish, 19th century playwright, novelist, and poet who haunts Alfie Byrne’s waking hours until Alfie cannot tell where Wilde ends and he begins.

ERNIE LALLY- CAST St. Imelda’s actor and propmaster who is extremely dedicated to his craft.

FATHER KENNY (40 - 60) St. Imelda’s curmudgeonly but caring priest.

LILY BYRNE (Mezzo, 42 - 52) Alfie’s sister and roommate who wants nothing more than for Alfie to find a wife and move out so that she is free to marry Mr. Carney.

MISS CROWE A member of the St. Imelda’s Players, the wiry Miss Crowe has taken on the additional responsibility of costume design.

MRS. CURTIN (Non-singing, tap dance, 30 - 40) CAST St. Imelda’s actor and choreographer with a strong tendency towards tap dancing in her choreographic choices.

MRS. GRACE (35 - 55) CAST A full-figured kindly woman who recently took time off from St. Imelda’s players to tend to her ailing husband. Mrs. Grace paints watercolors.

MRS. PATRICK (40s) The middle-aged married woman who is having an affair with the younger Robbie.

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